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[I1U]≫ [PDF] Gratis Unfiltered eBook Rick Shapiro

Unfiltered eBook Rick Shapiro

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Download PDF  Unfiltered eBook Rick Shapiro

UNFILTERED is the product of comedian, poet and author Rick Shapiro's unfettered mind. This publication is a combination of pieces written and found throughout years of scrap pieces of paper, blogs and journal entries.

Unfiltered eBook Rick Shapiro

If your looking for an average comedic "look at me make fart jokes, aren't I funny" book, think again. This is like a crazy indie movie that is so odd and ecclectic you want to keep reading. The foward lets you in on more than most feel comfortable divulging. He's caught inbetween generations it seems, like a 60's musclecar with a GPS installed. Old school meaningful anger and delivery but with a new school flair for the absurd. He seems to be channeling Lenny Bruce, Redd Foxx and a touch of Hunter S. Thompson. If you don't know Rick you probably have seen his work, he's hard to miss. Just goto or download his work on Itunes to lay the groundwork, also had a character on HBO's Lucky Louie. Buy the book, take a chance live a little. If not that's cool but at least check out his work, cuz we need more edgy guys now that Greg G., Mitch H. and Bill H. are gone. BTW Looks very readable and perfect for KINDLE!

YOU NEED HIS ENERGY, don't meter it out, ENERGY THRUST! It's like life man! (Lucky Louie Jerry on "doors")watch?v=LWEunWuyb3k

Product details

  • File Size 2367 KB
  • Print Length 301 pages
  • Page Numbers Source ISBN 0985316896
  • Simultaneous Device Usage Unlimited
  • Publication Date April 30, 2014
  • Sold by  Digital Services LLC
  • Language English

Read  Unfiltered eBook Rick Shapiro

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Unfiltered eBook Rick Shapiro Reviews

Rick is a supremely unique voice in comedy and poetry. He bridges an important gap between those arts and this self-published book is incredible.
Shapiro's work pulsates with wisdom, intellect, insight and honesty, at once raw and gentle, crude and sweet. He seems to exist in chaos, but his gift lies in the laser focus that your realize lies coiled and ready to spring, ever-present. Just as the wild rhythm of his words and thoughts lulls you, he strikes, capturing or revealing with uncanny clarity. He can put his finger right on the heart. To me, "unfiltered" is the way he can see what roils our hearts.
Unfiltered is a perfect title for this book. You might notice when you read this that the wording and structure isn't pretty and manicured. These are not shiny little poems. This is a gritty, honest, REAL look into the mind of a guy who knows pain and confusion all too well.

This is a gem amongst all the fake dreck that is out there, I really can't recommend it enough. This man's thoughts and feelings deserve attention.
rick shapiro rules. go see him live. CAUSTIC and FUNNY - he is awesome and a great stand up - word
he's the best! and the book too!
I'm guessing that if you're reading this review, then you already have a pretty good idea of what this book is about poetry, ramblings, comic moments, diary entries, etc. If you're expecting a mixed bag (I was) you get exactly that, and the reading of it can be a great experience. If Shapiro had been running around with Ginsberg and Burroughs, he would have been legendary by now. Makes me wonder what sort of impact Rick's work will have in years to come.

On the other hand, the design of the book is a huge missed opportunity. It looks like it was created in MS Word and lacks any of the personality so prevalent in the writings. I can't help but think back to Lou Reed's Pass Through Fire (http//www./Pass-Thru-Fire-Collected-Lyrics/dp/030681630X) as a stunning example of how to interpret an artist's written legacy. And I wish, I wish so much, that Unfiltered had even a smidgen of the sort of forethought found in that book. As it doesn't, I'm afraid that instead of the sort book that you keep by your bedside (where it belongs), this one will end up buried on the bookshelf. If the book goes to a second printing, I really hope that they reach out to a competent design studio for a redesign.
If your looking for an average comedic "look at me make fart jokes, aren't I funny" book, think again. This is like a crazy indie movie that is so odd and ecclectic you want to keep reading. The foward lets you in on more than most feel comfortable divulging. He's caught inbetween generations it seems, like a 60's musclecar with a GPS installed. Old school meaningful anger and delivery but with a new school flair for the absurd. He seems to be channeling Lenny Bruce, Redd Foxx and a touch of Hunter S. Thompson. If you don't know Rick you probably have seen his work, he's hard to miss. Just goto or download his work on Itunes to lay the groundwork, also had a character on HBO's Lucky Louie. Buy the book, take a chance live a little. If not that's cool but at least check out his work, cuz we need more edgy guys now that Greg G., Mitch H. and Bill H. are gone. BTW Looks very readable and perfect for KINDLE!

YOU NEED HIS ENERGY, don't meter it out, ENERGY THRUST! It's like life man! (Lucky Louie Jerry on "doors")watch?v=LWEunWuyb3k
Ebook PDF  Unfiltered eBook Rick Shapiro

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